How To Lose Double Chin

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    Younique > Double Chin Treatment in Los Angeles > How To Lose Double Chin

    Medically Reviewed by Mark Youssef, MD 5 stars from 103 reviews

    Double Chin Excercises and Treatments

    Overview | What Is Double Chin? | Exercises | Natural Ways To Remove Double Chin

    Getting Rid of Double Chin: Overview

    Did you know that 7 out of 10 Americans struggle with getting rid of a double chin? If you’re like most, you’ve already put in the hard work of constant dieting, cardio training and workouts, and maybe even a few more embarrassing things not to mention. The truth is, you don’t deserve to have your confidence hindered from a treatable area of submental fat. In this guide, we’ve come up with the top ways for you to get rid of double chin from the safety of your own home, as well as proven Non-Surgical and Surgical treatments provided by one of the worlds leading Cosmetic Surgeons that specialize in Double Chin Treatments.

    How To Get Rid of Double Chin

    What Exactly Is A Double Chin?

    The condition associated with chin fat, known as the “double chin” or “wattle,” is a perfect example. You can exercise, diet and live a healthy lifestyle yet still experience this confidence-destroying issue. Formally referred to as “submental fullness,” it can happen to anyone no matter their age or weight. It’s very common for people to store fat in the chin area, even if they are underweight. Double chins can be caused by genetics, weight gain and the loss of skin elasticity caused by aging. They can be resistant to diet and exercise efforts, making them very difficult to banish.

    Double Chin Exercises

    Double Chin exercises tend to be the quickest method for those people wanting to get started on removing their double chin from the comfort of their own home. However, non-surgical lasers and injectables, as well as surgical remedies such as chin lipo or smart lipo are proven to be the most effective methods to remove Double Chin (‘get double chin treatment near me‘). While there is no real scientific evidence that these chin exercises will indeed eliminate your double chin, there is cause to believe that performing these exercises on a daily basis will definitely assist in burning this fat.

    Below we have included some exercises that are targeted to help burn submental fat. People tend to see the best results with these exercises when they are performed on a regular daily basis at least 10-15 times per day.

    1. Lip Puckering
      • Tilt your head back to the ceiling
      • Pucker your lips and make a kissing motion pointed at the ceiling to strecth the area under your chin
      • Do this for a 10-second count and repeat 2 times
    2. Straight Jaw Jut
      • Tilt your head back to the ceiling
      • Push your jaw forward to feel a stretch in your chin muscles
      • Hold for a 10 second count
      • Repeat 3 times and return to normal position
    3. Ball Exercise
      • Place a small ball (under 12 inches) under your chin and press your chin down against the ball
      • Get 20 reps of this
      • Repeat 2 times
    4. Tongue Stretch
      • Point straight ahead and stick your tongue out as far as you can
      • Touch the tip of your tongue to your nose
      • Hold fo 10 seconds
      • Repeat 2 times
    5. Neck Stretch
      • Tilt your head back to the ceiling
      • Press tongue to roof of mouth
      • Do this for a 10-second count and repeat 2 times
    6. Bottom Jaw Jut
      • Tilt your head back to the ceiling
      • Turn to the right and push your bottom jaw forward
      • Hold for 10 seconds
      • Do this on the left side
      • Repeat two times on each side

    Natural Ways To Remove Double Chin

    The best natural remedies to remove your double chin are eating healthy and exercising (both cardio and strength exercises) on a regular daily basis.

    Try to consume more fruits and vegetables and avoid processed and fried foods, as well as fatty and sugary foods.

    Try to eat good fats such as Omega-3’s, avocado’s, olive oil and fish.

    Best Way To Get Rid of Double Chin

    The best way to remove a double chin is to get a surgical or non-surgical double chin treatment. Younique Cosmetic offers the most innovative treatment and has helped thousands of patients get rid of their submental fat. They offer virtual consultations and payment plans. Surgical and non-surgical approaches are the highest recommended and most effective method to eliminate double chin as many exercises and at-home remedies may not work for years to come, or perhaps indefinitely.

    Click here to view more information about Double Chin Treatments

    The best non-surgical double chin treatments are:

    1. Coolsculpting
    2. Kybella 

    The best surgical treatments are:

    1. Smart Liposuction
    2. Liposuction


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