Spider Veins


Treatment For Spider Veins

Whether you know them as spider veins, broken capillaries or the more clinical term, “telangiectasia,” those red, spidery lines on your face, legs or ankles can be a source of embarrassment. Yet many people choose to simply cover them up with makeup and clothing, mistakenly thinking that getting rid of spider veins for good is expensive or invasive.

What Are Spider Veins?

It’s easy to confuse varicose veins with spider veins — until you’re the one coping with either problem. Spider veins are often referred to as broken capillaries when they appear on the face, but you may experience them on any part of your body. They’re thin, red and close to the surface of your skin. (In contrast, varicose veins are blue, thicker than spider veins, and have a “ropier” appearance, often showing as a raised surface, especially in the legs.)

These broken blood vessels can result from a range of factors that put pressure on blood vessel walls, including aging, sun damage, hormonal therapy, weight fluctuation, injury and a genetic predisposition to them.

How Are Spider Veins Treated?

One of the most reliable ways to treat spider veins is sclerotherapy. This simple, non-invasive cosmetic procedure can usually be done in one brief office visit. Our highly-trained and licensed staff applies the injectable solution into the spider vein area. We target the unhealthy feeder veins that cause the problem. Once those feeder veins are “deactivated,” blood flow is redirected and the spider veins disappear — permanently — in a matter of weeks.

Spider Vein Removal

Another option for spider vein treatment is through light therapy. Depending on the location and severity of your spider veins, Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) may be the best course of action to treat them. AFT utilizes pulse-light technology to remove your spider veins. We also offer photofacial technology, another light-based treatment plan that boosts the collagen in your skin while reducing broken capillaries. These noninvasive, non-invasive procedures can be done during a regular office visit.

What Treatment Is Right For You?

Your specific spider vein issues, along with your own preferences, will determine which of our options is best for you. In addition, you may have other skin issues that can be addressed at the same time. For example, rosacea also responds well to pulse light therapy. Sclerotherapy, on the other hand, is effective for both varicose and spider veins. Our highly-trained team is here to help you make that decision.